Practise the Reads, WOULD Makes Us More Abundant

There is a "secret" major success, namely PRACTICE or ACTION! Because, no matter how good, as good as any, as good as any post, he would only be mere theory if not based on the real experience.

The following story could be an inspiration to us all:

Once upon a time, in a village, only three people close friend who had different hobbies. The first, his hobby of reading. Second, his love messing with anyone, so it is easy to get along anywhere. While the third, he was a sportsman. Although different indulgence, three of them are very familiar and complement each other.

Once, there was a race that was held royal dexterity. Tempting prize, which is a plot of arable land in the capital. Who won, individuals or groups, will get the prize and was named a royal advisor. Because of this, many people flocked to try to follow the race.

Long story short, there are two groups that eventually went into the final round. The first is a group of three young men of the village earlier. While the second is a group of townspeople who thought he knew everything. Feel living in cities with access to a wider, they sure will soon be a winner. Moreover, after know the last race was hunting deer in the forest kingdom. The young man was convinced the city will be a winner because it has several times learn to catch a deer in the royal courtyard.

On the appointed day, the two groups of young men were soon in action. City youth groups carrying crude equipment, as they usually carry while hunting deer in the royal courtyard, as has been often they practice. While the village youth, preparing to mature to win the race. The hobbyists read, learn anything about the life of a deer in the woods. The playful, with extensive interaction ask around about how best to capture the deer as soon as possible. The sportsman, deftly making various traps as instructed his friends.

The result, as has been prepared in accordance with the more mature learning and knowledge gained from many sources, the village youth group managed to become the first successful capture of wild deer in the woods. While the youth of the city, because the deer to be captured is different from the wild deer that they can practice in the city, failed to capture a single deer. Thus, the village youth with the combined knowledge and experience, managed to become the winner.

From the above story we learn, great theories owned it can not be directly applied in real life. Likewise, when we read a lot of books in circulation. Often, all it becomes something different when practiced. So, if the time should be practiced only need experience and learning in the field, let alone the only allowed to settle as a theory or just reading?

Thus, it is proper to make us aware would "jump" directly in the field. Not just to practice what we have theories, but also adds an experience that will enrich life. Thus, what we are doing and run-plus knowledge gained from various readings were able to make a full life incredibility.

Good luck to you!

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