Certainly, Think all of this word

You think of a thousand miles, well certainly feels remote. While I never thought because just doing one step. Why should wear thinkers're just one step.

    The more stupid person, will be more and more knowledge gained. I menggoblokkan yourself first before menggoblokkan others.

    Smart people study hard to get a diploma and apply for a job as quickly as possible. Stupid people struggling to earn money as soon as possible, in order to pay for job applicants.
  Fool difficult to get a job so that she was forced to open their own business. In the course of its business to be more successful he must recruit smart people. As a result fool his boss was so smart people.
  Best school is the school of life, school roads, schools that give freedom to the students to explore the full potential of existing freely to him
  People 'stupid' is usually more daring than the 'smart'. Why ??? Because the 'dumb' often do not think long or much consideration. He's nothing to lose. Instead the 'smart' too much consideration so as not to step-by-step.

    Smart people are usually a lot of ideas, even too much so that none of them come true. While the 'dumb' may only have one idea, and an idea that is the choice of business.
 Smart people usually most expectations. Even wants to succeed in a short time. Yet we know all of the Impossible! 0rang stupid hope only one; today can eat!
 Willingness to be based on the determination, and to be bold in taking the opportunities that exist.
 This is the currency that applies anywhere. With good behavior, people will put their trust in us so that people will believe in our credibility. We can easily fit in a community environment.
  The remembrance of Allah do hearts calm. In all our activities will be worth worship.
  Failure is the spice of life, we can be a failure to make a tough man.
  This could spur corruption, although in small quantities. The company money could have been mixed with personal money because there is negligence in terms of financial records. Sebainya separate accounts, to facilitate financial arrangements as well.

    Many people feel have worked hard but did not get the maximum results. Suppose a graduate student who pursue graduation in July, although he is classified as a student who has a GPA above average arata, what if he forgot to take into account the number of credits it? Maybe he does not pass the 1 July due to lack of credits only. He forgot to work smart, forget strategy.

   Many people feel have worked hard but did not get the maximum results. Suppose a graduate student who pursue graduation in July, although he is classified as a student who has a GPA above average arata, what if he forgot to take into account the number of credits it? Maybe he does not pass the 1 July due to lack of credits only. He forgot to work smart, forget strategy

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