Google Adsense Keyword The pay is Expensive
Muslim Bayudi - tips on choosing keywords google adsense tricks that pay expensive _ For those who want to gain a dollar shobat through adsense, of course, want to display paid advertisements are expensive and also get paid clicks are more expensive in between multiple ads that appear are not you .. ??? ? : Pshobat first have to choose keywords that are more specific google adsense
ok Why do we have to choose keywords that are more specific google adsense? because the advantages are keywords that exist on the blog will be more specific and have an effect on the ads displayed will be more appropriate to the topic you choose. If the more general topic of the blog, the ads that appear often even obscene with the theme of your blog.
Here are tips on choosing keywords google adsense tricks well-paid per click:
>>> Insurance. Topic / keyword is paid more than $ 1 per click. SEO also certainly rivals in weight dong. Maybe you will be interested in making micro niche blogs for geo targets, for example: New York Auto Insurance
>>> Law. Topic / keyword search of law has always been a lot of interesting visitors. Because, basically, people in contact with legal entanglement would not imprisoned and once considered a disgrace that should not be caught by the public. Or online business related legal issues.
>>> Education. Topic / keywords is almost every topic in the field of education has value click expensive. Especially work-related education profession, professional training, certificates, college education. For example: Financial Aid, Pell grants, student loans, online colleges, admission essays, medical school, online degree, law schools, master's degree in psychology.
>>> Health. Usually that has a topic / keywords about severe illness and need not cost a bit. Disease that is difficult to treat and are easy to relapse. For example: Prostate Cancer, Acid Reflux, Heartburn, weight loss, surgery, skin care, teeth whitening.
>>> Finance. Topic / keyword finance is also much loved by visitors who want to solve their financial problems quickly. For example: loan, credit card, debt problems, investment.
>>> Travel. It concerns the cost of the holiday is not cheap and usually visitors will find information about the trip will be taken.
>>> Home Improvement. The cost of building a house it's so much less expensive abroad. Or it could be about the apartment / rental home. As well as home care such as: roofers, Plumbers, decks, cabinet installers, floor layers.
>>> Relationship. Topics / keywords such as wedding, dating, marriageselect a topic / keywords related to housing finance, buying and selling homes, nursing homes. This is because it is very nice to be a blog for adsense.
One way that can be used to narrow the topic keywords that can be specified is a way to merge two topics at once. For example: the nursing profession Training, Health Education, Education law, the legal issue of how, housing, housing loans.
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