Only 1 "Respect"

Muslim Bayudi - What my greatest debt in the family or someone else? Honestly I would answer: RESPECT, an attitude of respect and honor. By many people, the word "Respect" is too easy to say today. But in fact, why there are still people who do not we care? Why is there hostility? Or that simple, why do we as parents shout child? Because of our lack of respect. The attitude of respect is what more and more away from our society. Respect or respect for yourself or someone else will be "rare" can be even more expensive in the future. If we did not optimal in building respect, this is our moment to increase or at least there is awareness of the need for respect, either for yourself or someone else

As parents, we want respect for the child or vice versa. As a subordinate in the office we also hope to get respect from superiors or otherwise. In the home environment, we also want a "culture of respect" built communities. Ohh, beautiful when we are able to cultivate the "great respect" on all sides of our lives. Emang does not exist the "perfect" but why not if we can do it. Simple aja kok, ranging from building a "great respect", respect and honor. That's it, no more no less, just respect .... Only a cup of Respect!

Why should respect? Yes because with respect, we can build a steady relationship, sustainable. Due in no
sincerity and respect our sincerity in accepting the "reality". With great respect we can make other people feel they are important in the near us. So remember Les Giblin said, "You can not make the other person feel important near you if secretly feel that he is not anybody". Woww, why can? Do not we also nobodies? So let's get up the attitude of respect for others.

Money, wealth, rich, rank or position, it becomes not use if it is not accompanied by an attitude of respect. Especially now that a lot of people say "happy" when "not happy" and vice versa. It all happens because we do not have an attitude of respect. Agree not ... ?? Each of us do have a target or desire, but that does not mean we should megabaikan great respect. We often forget to say thank you for the things lightly. We also like marahin children or others because of trivial. Therefore, today we are in dire need of 'self-respect' and "our respect". So remember, my friend who always say "thank you" every time you talk with other people. Really, how words can influence, positive or negative. Remember, respect can exist because of "trust" and "honest" and then openness in seeing reality, nrimo.

Today too many people who can not accept his situation, does not respect himself. That's because they do not have an attitude of respect. Complain, like hostile, or feel miserable in life are the symptoms of a lack of an attitude of respect. Supposedly, what we experience, we have to accept, respect and even admire great because we can still like it. So we do need to respect yourself first, and respect for others. We should be friendly and love yourself first, friendly and love to others. Ohh, the beauty has great respect. In a broad sense, respect the "respect, honor, recognize and obey".

To be able to respect themselves or others, we can also train or shape. Some of the ways that we can do to build respect, among others:
 1) to accept yourself for what it is,
2) avoid the attitude and self-destructive behavior, such as reckless on the road,
3) fostering a sense of shame,
4) maintain the good name,
5) keep the behavior remains good,
6) recognize themselves as a lot of people who just "be yourself" alone,
7) pride themselves as God's Creation,
8) are aware that we are unique,
9) overcome weaknesses,
10) was changed and continue to develop ourselves to a good direction.

In terms of dealing with others, to build respect we also need to cultivate such things:
1) understand the character of others,
2) creating a positive spirit of life,
3) focusing on strengths instead of weaknesses of others,
4) communicate empathic, understand first and understandable,
5) do sincere praise and reprimand the right, and
6) start with what we think.

So, once again, let us build an attitude of respect, both for themselves and others. Do not let the people we "lose" attitude of respect to be "individualistic". Respect, respect is a moral matter that we care about, Respect is about conscience. Does not every human being must have flaws, but remember we are also met by the potential and the ability to be "better", today and in the future. Because with respect, we can build and maintain a relationship or social interaction harmony, harmonious, and peaceful. Let us build sensitivity and awareness of the importance of the attitude of respect. Say "I want more Respect", Now or Never .... Respect is what we owe; love, what we give !!

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