Muslim Bayudi - Not all students free of economic problems. Moreover, students are identical to the figure has grown, so the instinct to become economically independent certainly there. However, this paradigm is occurring during college and work are two distinct and separate things. Someone who focus on college will usually tend to rely and did not allocate time to work. Conversely, students who work tend to devote all his energy to work, so having academic achievement is arguably less well or even very bad. Especially if you consider the role model enterpreuner that most of the people who can be said to 'fail' in academia.
Can Actually both are mutually supportive and not dropping each other ??
Many students are academically successful but have independent economic success for a student. So what's their secret?
Back view on our status as a student. Students are strategic status of 'expensive' and reflects a high intellect. Therefore, a student should have a working concept of smart in order to survive in the global era. There are so many alternatives that can work variant selected by the person's status as a student. Well, in order to remain economically fulfilled yet exist achievement, the following tips and tricks:
Working in accordance with the ideals
All person must have ideals and life goals. In this case, a side job options should be adjusted to the ideals / positions us as a student.
a. Teaching private lessons
Teaching les privatmenjadi choice side job that is currently quite a boom among students. Why not? Only with a physical presence and take about 60-90 minutes we can obtain 35-60 thousand dollars for each hour of teaching. In addition, teaching private lessons have several advantages both material and non-material. These benefits include, in material with economic value we can say almost 100% profit, with a short time and energy we spend nothing. In non-material, teaching private lessons can hone communication skills, given the previous lesson, add relationships and hone our brains to keep studying the previous lesson.
b. teaching extracurricular
Every public and private schools almost all of them have extra-curricular activities as additional activities for students. For students, this becomes a new opportunity to be able to work smarter. For example, a student of Electronics and Instrumentation active in campus Robot teams and extracurricular teaching robotics in high school, a medical student teaching in junior high school extracurricular PMR. Aside from being a form of learning applications we've gained in college, this activity can also hone our skills berciat especially ideal as a lecturer / educator.
How can I'll be extra-curricular teachers? There are several alternative ways indeed. The first and easiest is when we have relatives in the school, so that we can directly get the info from our relationships when there are vacancies. The second, which has a high school for which the distance is quite close to the school, you can also volunteered to your high school teacher used to guide the Olympics, etc.
c. Assistant lecturer / Assistant Practicum / Field Assistant
A teaching assistant is one of the alternative smart work very supportive of our academic. In addition to supporting academic activities, a teaching assistant can enhance our relationships among faculty, improve the existence, as well as indirectly causeway good track record in our lives biographical data sheet. In addition, for those who have the aspiration to become educators, again this can be a stepping stone for us closer to that goal. Another benefit is that we get, we become more expert in the subject / the lab, because they want to-or not we should learn more extras than others. Surely we do not want it dibialang assistant less knowledgeable? So, for those of you who frequent disease lazy learning, teaching assistants can also be an alternative challenge to trigger us to continue to learn.
d. researcher
Many professors are looking to recruit a research assistant or members. It also can be a very exciting alternative work for my friends who have a hobby of researching and high curiosity. Besides we enjoy our hobby through roles as researcher, another benefit is that we can get; 1) we will ditusliskan name as co-author in the study so indirectly we have new research; 2) get incentives as researchers, of course, different tastes when we get a hard-earned salaries of our intellect; 3) Get a special existence in the presence of the faculty; 4) Opportunity to participate in more competitions.
Working with passion, interests and talents
Working with interest and talent will make us feel 'as if' it does not work because we enjoy the work that we do, or rather if we said to work with love / sincerity. Examples of work with passion, interests and talents that we have this is, for example, we hobby and has the advantage of public speaking, then we can optimize the capability to be MC, moderators, or filler training. For friends who have a good voice, can be prepared invited singer in certain events, etc.
To start the optimization of this talent is the first real action need to socialize our talents to the public. "Promotion" This can be done through the race and started from small-scale events, such as birthdays, recitals, etc. For example, I have the advantage in public speaking, especially in the case of MC, then when there is an offer anyone who wants to be the MC? I necessarily immediately volunteered. The key point in this case is your peak performance on first performance. Remember, the first appearance will be the key to further success.
Working part-time (part time)
Working part-time / part time usually be an alternative for students who have enough free time. In contrast to some type of intelligent work that I described earlier, part time job income is calculated from the number of hours you spend at work. The weakness of the system this work are: 1) It takes more unbalanced with income in get; 2) Less flexible in terms of time; 3) Requires great physical energy, draining and time; 4) Does not support the academic activities at all.
Independent young enterpreuner
Entrepreneurship while still existed as a student does not hurt. Entrepreneurial can start from small things like selling books, boarding house business, selling snacks, business copy, etc. In this case the most basic is the embroidery, intentions and reckless as to initiate entrepreneurial sometimes it takes more effort.
Following the race / competition can be one of the event to increase the capacity and capability of self. In addition to test and improve the quality of the self, the competition also indirectly be a passive income that is enough "wow" for the student pocket. However, for the field of competition does take willpower and hard work at an early stage so that our work or we can qualify to be a winner. Some of the benefits of competition among them; 1) measure the capacity and capability of self; 2) media learning and self-evaluation; 3) Media promotion and dissemination as well as build relationships; 4) Pasive income for the win; 5) Increase the existence and achievements; 6) Increase gratitude for grace;
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