Growing well

Muslim Bayudi - Once there was a young man who complained to his teacher. He felt, he was always less fortunate. He considers, he was just born with some bad luck so whatever he does always fail. Therefore, he asked his teacher's advice that could change the fate.

The teacher then asked him to plant the two beans. Only asked for well maintained, cared for, and considered seriously. While the other one was asked by his teacher to be left to grow naturally, without having to be considered as the first beans.

Without knowing the purpose of the teacher, the young teacher to carry out orders. He also planted the seeds of the beans as directed. Some time later, the second seed grow into sprouts, which then expands and grows. However, according teacher message, first seed gets more attention. Fertilized, watered, given a lot of attention. While the second seed is only allowed to grow up. Sometimes, if forgetfulness, only rain water which will live it.

Some time later, the first seeds grow bushy with leaves that are more fertile. In contrast, the second seed is growing, but hardly uniform. After then harvested, the first seeds produce nuts very much, fat, and beans also contains full. While the second seed only grow with a few nuts and even a lot of the black contents, such as rot.

The boy later reported that the conditions on the teacher. The teacher was later explained. "My students, you first came here to say that you are always unlucky. However, realize that even if you are unlucky, you're still alive and growing, even able to come here to sit with me? That you are grown without being treated, such as the second nut. Continued to grow, but the results are not optimal. While the first nut that grows more dense because no sacrifice from you, watering, fertilizing, watched well. Neither do you. If you want to change, is simple .. Consider yourself better. Note also around you. Take care of yourselves and around you with genuine concern, and give sacrifices to keep fighting, working, diligent, and tenacious. At that moment, you will be like the first seed and able to grow better. "

Extraordinary companions,

That's how we should behave in the face of change. Never give up against all kinds of trials and obstacles. Therefore, changes always occur. If this time is not successful, there is currently a success, with continued fighting, definitely changes will occur.

Never blame others if we have not been able to harvest the expected results. Perhaps we ourselves have tried or worked harder, more determined, more ductile-to achieve maximum results.

Mari, sikapi any changes to always act in an active and enriching mentality, surely we will be able to perform as a winner in every fight !!!

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